Monday 28 October 2013

Adding Meta Tag to blog

Hi Friends,

Today in this post I will explain you about how to use meta tags for better SEO optimization in your blogs (blogger)

Meta Tags are of extreme importance for your blog.They have a great contribution in making your blog a good ranked blog.Adding different important meta tags to your blog will surely increase your blog ranking.Meta tags are the one of the basic thing which are use in SEO(Search Engine Optimization).No doubt these meta tags are important for your blog,but remember that,adding useless tags will decrease your blog ranking,so avoid useless tags.

Among many Meta Tags two are very necessary.
1.Title Tag.
2.Description Tag.

Now the question is that,how to add this tags in your blog because blogger have no option to add meta tags directly.Here is simple method to add meta tags to your blog.
1.First of all go to Blogger and sign in.
2.After signing in go to your blog dashboard.
3.Click on Template tab in side menu.
4.Open Edit Html.
Now find the following code.

<b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>

After finding the the code,paste the following codes just below it.

<meta content='width=1100' name='viewport'/>
<meta content='all' name='robots'/>
<meta content='index, follow' name='robots'/>    
<meta content='1 days' name='revisit-after'/>
<meta content='index,follow,noodp,noydir' name='robots'/>
<meta content=' description here ' name='description'/>
<meta content='Keywords here' name='keywords'/>

For "description here" add your blog description.
For "keywords here" add your keywords for your blog.(Keywords are those words which are use by the search engines to know about your blog).

That's it. Keep reading for more tips and tricks

Sunday 27 October 2013

Earn Money using Amazon Affiliate program

Hi Friends,

Amazon India has officially launched its affiliate program.. Amazon Associates is an affiliate program for website marketers and online publishers to monetize their content by advertising contextually relevant products and referring visitors to

For an introductory period, it will payout commission rates of 5% on consumer electronics and 10% on all other products, which includes Kindle devices. The program will also allow associates to earn commission on all products that visitors buy following the links on associate sites and not just for the specific products that were promoted on marketer’s website. Amazon claims that it offers 17 million books, more than 10,000 DVDs & audio CDs, consumer electronics, and Kindle devices to carry out a contextual ad on their website.

Publishers can promote products on their site by adding “tag=[your-tag-id]” to the URL of that page e.g.[your-tag-id]. This allows publishers to include banner links, product links, and link to any page. Amazon also provides widgets for your picks, search, contexual, flash, among others that one can just embed to their site. Amazon notes that it pays out to marketers through Cheque. Users need to fill out home address, PAN card details, and minimum payout to receive the payment.

Earlier this month, online shopping marketplace, Flipkart hiked affiliate payout fees to marketers on all categories that it offers, in competition with Amazon, and probably in anticipation of the launch of Amazon Associates.  Flipkart is offering 10% payout on books as opposed to 6% that it offered previously, and  has increased the affiliate payout up to 10% on all of the categories that it is currently offering on its marketplace. Flipkart affiliate pays out to marketers via gift card or EFT.

Infibeam also offers 5% affiliate payout fees on books, 10% on eBooks, 5% on lifestyle products, 1% on gold & silver coins, among others. Snapdeal also had its referral program (Rs 100 per user referral, so apparently only for new customer acquisition, rather than affiliate sales), but it apparently faced some issues last year with misuse from some of its affiliate

Keep reading for more information and tips

Tips to increase Google Adsense CTR

Hi Friends,

Are you’re an Google AdSense publisher you know who clicks than you get better. So we are constantly trying to improve our AdSense pushing through rate by optimizing our ad placements. When you see the CTR (Click Through Rate) for your AdSense dropping or simply not growing along with your impressions so I got time to experiment and test everything.

Here are the best and the simple tips to try to improve the CTR of your Google AdSense

Google AdSense ads and Make your Feature Prominently

If you want to improve your AdSense pushing through rate you do not have too many other options for people to click on. For example, when they visit an AdSense advertising should be an option for them to click through to. If you have any other links around the mailbox or message they should be leading another article on your website with AdSense more about it.

Make your AdSense look like Part of your Article

If you have links on your website are so blue text ads for AdSense are a good idea because it will look like part of your content. Do not make the ads look ugly. They need to merge and services such as a menu or other options to click on.

Writing Killer Content to Enhance your AdSense (CTR) Click Through Rate

Google AdSense can pinpoint what your content is about? If you get ads related to your articles then it will be your fault. You need to make sure each article is clearly one issue and Google search engine optimized to help decide what adds to put there. You can use Google AdSense Section Targeting If you feel that Google does not give you the right ads.

Experiment With Ad positions

You can not just play sure ads on your website and expect them to get a good click through rate. You have to optimize them in any way. Just because an ad placement works for one site does not mean it will work for you, so you need to do some experiments.

Do Research on Keywords

What keywords are bringing visitors to your website? If they find your site by typing the keyword CPC lower so that it is not good for your profit or your click through rate. Google AdSense wants targeted visitors to click on targeted ads.

For example, if someone searched for “free desktop background” and found a website with a virus program adds they will be less likely to convert than a person looking for a “virus”.

The best way to find keywords that people use to get to your website, is to go to Google Webmaster Tools.


Do Experiment a lot, until you are satisfied you did to achieve the highest CTR. Track the performance of your page by making channels of ads in your AdSense Control Panel and experiment until you are satisfied with your CTR.

Indeed, any such experiment will make you loose money for a day or two, as Google may take time to adjust to new changes, but it will be beneficial in the long run.

Earn money with Domain Parking

Domain Parking is a process where you register your site name and use domain parking service area where the company presents a series of web links to your website, and if someone clicks on the link you get a certain amount of money to your account.

You can withdraw via Paypal, Wire Transfer or International check, it really depends on the charge state of the Company that is involved.

This is a cool method of making money through the Internet without the risk and do not need capital investment. It is perfect and true and would eventually come to the conclusion by saying that this is a great option to generate income without any investment, you do not even have to pay for the hosting of the compound name.

The domain parking business offer revenue sharing from your parked domain. The works of the income distribution by the motion might be made against to search or pay per click page where visitors can park in your area click on the ads and you get a percentage of revenue from it.

You may need to drive traffic to the site by telling your friends about it or by doing an article you submit to article directories and link to your resource box. This will ensure that more people will know about your site and visit it. He visited more than likely you are making money.

The best thing about it is that you do not have to spend a lot of time setting up things. Unlike creating a website, setting up your account with on-site parking can be completed in minutes instead of hours.

Once you’ve done that, you do not need to update anything. Set once and that’s it. No more managing or updating.

So, this package should be considered if you want to start making money online with minimal effort.

When someone clicks on the ads, you make money. That’s it. Sounds easy? It is! You do not need to design a site, prepare content, no hosting bills to pay, no nothing! This is a paradise for the lazy domainer.

There is no doubt that it can be very lucrative practice. If you want to start making money with domain names of your unused and be receiving pay checks at the end of next month, this system of payments is one of the ways to make money online that you should consider.

Also first must think which niche you choose for your domain. 

Make Money with Smartphone app for Free

Hi Friends,

Everyone is very interested in making some extra money either by doing partime job or doing online works what to do when you don't have time to do these things but still want to make extra money, then here is a chance to make money with your smart phone without doing anything....

If you are a Android smartphone users, you can install the application called locket app for android  and earn money every time you unlock your phone.

It arrangement Advertising – application puts ads on your lock screen. You apparently noticed this ad when you pick up your phone and open it. It gets you a dime, and you can earn up to three cents per hour ( to make sure people do not abuse it, of course).

Once you have $10 in your account, you can cash through PayPal, and for the average user earns $10 a month.

If you want to know more, Locket Android App FAQ goes into a lot more detail. The application is free and available in Google Play. So what are you waiting for? Download Locket and let that be the last time you unlock your phone without getting rewarded.

So download the app and start making money..

Things to do Before Applying for Google AdSense

Google AdSense, the largest global advertising network and Pay Per Click Program. The pay rate is better than all the other networks are so popular because it is the largest of all the bloggers and Webmasters. But since everyone is running behind them, they have very strict approval system. Here the best Tips to Do Before Applying for Google AdSense:

Privacy Policy Page

One of the most common mistakes that every blogger does and I’ve done many times before getting approved. Although there are people out there that say they have a privacy policy for a blog does not make sense, but wrong.

Privacy describes readers about what they’re getting in your blog, what to do and what not to. So obviously, there is nothing wrong with having a privacy policy. Although it may affect in any way approved AdSense, you should give it a try. You can write it yourself or find generators Privacy Policy Online.

You can also generate a free Privacy Policy Page if you don’t know what to write and include.

Copyright Policy Page

Create a Copyright Policy Page you can also use the Generator a free Copyright Policy page from here.

Disclaimer Page

You can also create a free Disclaimer Page in your blog this is also the best way to get fast AdSense approval.

About Page

About Page has a greater role and importance if you want to apply for AdSense. But when it comes to AdSense, they are about zero chance of being approved if you are not showing this page page. About Page just described about you and your blog. This not only will help you establish a relationship with readers, but will also trust you.

Contact Us Page

It is clear that everyone has his/her own opinion. What one of your readers would like can be annoying to someone else. Than it is better to give them the opportunity to talk to you and tell you how they feel about your blog, they want to be published, what they liked or hated.

Also display Google AdSense team is viewing your site that really cares about its readers, not just money and AdSense.

Name/ Email Verification

Make sure your name and email address easily placed in a visible area like Contact pages.

Your Age Verification

Make sure your age must 18+ age before Applying for Google AdSense.

Traffic Matters a Lot

If you site getting low traffic, than first focus your site traffic by posting useful contents in your site also updated fresh posts.

Your Website/Blog Minimum Number of Posts

Here’s an exact answer. Not one. Because I’ve seen very established blogs with 400 posts + and its owner told me that Google AdSense rejects them. Exactly what I said that there is no real answer. However, we can always predict things. In my experience, it should only be applied after more than 80 messages. Posts length should be 500 words + too, also make sure all posts are unique and fresh.

Design of your Website/Blog

Your blog is the greatest thing after Content. This is their expertise, experience and professionalism. So be careful because anything can kill your chances.

Top Level Domain

Those who have gone far when used to approve AdSense on “” or “Blogspot” blogs . As for today, must have its own unique domain that specifies your blog. If you do not have one yet, stop dreaming of being approved with sub domains and go buy a top-level domain.

Never Use Other Ad Networks Along with AdSense

If you have any other ads placed as Chitika, Clicksor or anything, it’s time to leave.

Even Google AdSense allows you to use other advertising networks, along with them, it is best to remove the ads before applying and not put back to elicit a response from AdSense Team.

Don’t use Paid Traffic System in your Blog

Google hates sites that are getting paid traffic and especially punishes them for what is not a damn chance to get AdSense approval letter for a site that is getting paid traffic. You can bring search engine traffic or any other way you want, but if you want to earn through Google AdSense correctly, paid traffic is not a solution.

Keep reading for more information and tips

Make money online with Flipkart Affiliate program

Hi Friends,

Want to make money with Flipkart Affiliate program by prmoting products online and earn high commissions. is one of the best and the most popular online shopping site in India offers attractive options for bloggers and webmasters.

The best part of Flipkart is, you do not need to wait for approval to begin. Once you register to participate in this program, you can use banners, text links, e-mail and other forms of advertising to promote your affiliate links. You can Earn up to 10% affiliate fee by referring people to Flipkart

Why Choose Flipkart Affiliate Program:

Flipkart is very transparent and they are simply clear about their percentage of commission you receive from the sale, ranging from 0.5% to 15% depending on the product category. Here are the details of the commission structure into different categories:

Flipkart Affiliate Program Commission in %

Commission Products in %

Digital : 10%
Watches : 8%
Leather & Travel Accessories : 8%
Books : 6%
Pens & Diaries : 4%
Health & Beauty : 4%
Toys : 4%
Baby Care : 4%
Music : 4%
Movies & TV Shows : 4%
Cameras : 2%
Games & Consoles : 1%
Mobiles & Accessories : 1%
Personal & Health Care : 1%
Home & Kitchen : 1%
TV & Video : 0.5%
Computers : 0.5%

Flipkart Affiliate Program Payment Options

At present there is 2 types of Payment options as under below:

 EFT (Electronic Fund Transfer) – Recommended
 Gift Voucher
If you selected Gift Voucher choice, you’ll be able to redeem your earnings as soon as you make Rs. 250/- in commission. Just in case of EFT, the earnings will be transmitted to your bank account as it extends to Rs. 2500/-.

How to Get Started and Register

Simply Create/Sign-Up a new account at Flipkart and than login to your Flipkart affiliate account than find out your niche than start promoting products and earn money online.

You can promote Affiliate Products by placing banners in your Website/Blog and when someone purchase the product with your referral link than you simply get paid.

Keep reading for more information and new related to Affiliate marketing and making money online..

Saturday 26 October 2013

Get Free recharge for your Mobile with ULTOO

Hi Friends,

You pay money to recharge your mobile, then don't waste your money to do recharge. Simply click below button and get free rechargevia sending free SMS. No one pays you for SMS sent, but here is the new GIANT that pays for every SMS sent.

Ya its true when you Register with ULTOO and thats very Interesting when you EARN Free Recharges. Yes Friends the way is clear now. Just Register using the Below link and Start SMSing for free and earn 2p/sms and it means you are paid for free.

Signup bonus = Rs. 2
Email verification = Rs. 1
Daily login = 10 paise
Refer = Rs. 1
Send sms = 2 paise/sms
For poll answers = 1.p/poll ans.
For play ques/ans. = 2p/ans.
Minimum payout = Rs. 10
If you complete answer it quiz than you will 50 sms more= 1rs/50 sms

Register using the below link... and start earning recharge for free :-)


Submit your site to search engines for free
Buy Social Media Services

Friday 25 October 2013

Increase traffic for you blog Part 2

Hi friends,
Are you waiting for visitors for your site than you just submit your site at this two links.
Pingoat is very useful because it will submit your site with more than 35+ blog directories.
For This
Click Here:


Second one is google bing , To use it click the below link

Keep reading for more tips and information...

Increase Traffic to Blog Part 1

Hi Friends,

If you are looking for quick and simple ways to increase traffic to blog, or more involved ways with bigger returns, keep reading for some great information.

1 ) Choose the right platform for your blog, or custom build your own.

The right content management system or CMS is going to make a serious difference in how you increase traffic to blog. If you really want to set yourself apart from other people then you need to find a custom blog solution, or one that you can actually make unique. You want something that you can completely customize to suit your users such as WordPress for example. This will suffice for a long time but then the best way to go from here is to completely customize something your own self for the best possible results. This is the best way to make sure that your blog is completely custom tailored to suit the needs of your readers, which is the best way to increase traffic to blog in the long run. 

2 )  Host your blog on your own site:

Hosting your blog on a site that is not your own is one of the biggest and worst mistakes that you could ever make. A blog that is on your own domain will attract attention, links, publicity, trust and good search rankings. When you keep your blog on a separate domain however, you are really shooting yourself in the foot. From the worst to the best, your options are a hosted blog, a blog on a unique domain, a blog on a sub domain, and then a blog serving as a sub section of your main domain. 

3 – Keep two audiences in mind when you are writing your title tags.

First and foremost, you need to be writing your title tag for the people that are visiting your website, or the people that have a subscription to your RSS feed. Title tags should be short, on topic, snappy and catchy, this is absolutely imperative if you want people to pay attention to what you have to say. You are also, however, going to want to think about search engines when it comes to titling your posts because search engines can help you drive additionaltraffic to your blog as well. One great way that you can do this is to write your post and your title first, then run some keyword searches to find out if there is a keyword phrasing or a specific ordering of keywords that will help you target your blog posts to the right people.

Keep reading for more information

Why Google Adsense account Gets Banned

Most people complain  that their google adsense account banned due to no reason even though they haven't violated any google policies but the main reason for account getting banned can be due to any of the below reason's

First Let's get started by analysing how google adsense detects that the clicks are made from same computer?
Do they check ip addresses ?
If someone has a dynamic WAN-IP and a static LAN-IP then how can it detect ?
If in any case the clicks are legal but are from same city/state and also from similar IPs then would they ban the blog ?

e.g :
if these three computers are making clicks and they are genuine (legal) clicks then how can google adsense detects that these are fraudelents or genuine (legal) ?

Answer :

Following some ways Google Adsense may used to detect invalid clicks
IP Address : It is the easiest and must be recognized by everyone. If those clicks on your ads are originated from the same IP Address as the one used for accessing your AdSense account, your account is flagged.
Click Through Rate (CTR) :
Normally, Click thru Rate should not excess 10%. Otherwise, Google will flag your account.For your information, normal CTR should ranges from 0.5%-10%.
Physical Location : Google has good tracing software and technology.They can trace traffics origin down to the small town. So, using different computers with different IP address does not secure anything. So, don't try to click your ads in various Internet cafes. That will kill you.

Cookies :
Most home users do not use static IP Address for Internet connection. In most cases just disconnect and reconnect will give you a new IP Address. But don't forget, Google has set cookies on your computer. They can trace these cookies and see whether they originate from the same computer.

Click Pattern 1 : It is also suspicious when people click on their clicks and then run away immediately (hit-and-run). But normally, people will surf for a while inside your pages and then click on the ads they want.

Click Pattern 2 : why this computer/IP address/person is so trigger-click-happy on this particular website but never click on the ads on other sites?

Click Pattern 3 : And why is it that people accessing these sites direct (type-in URL or from bookmark) tend to be very active ad-clickers compared with those referred from search engine or other sites?
Other Google Services : Apart from Google Adsense, Google also provide a series of services to us. Don't just think that it is safe if you do not log in your adsense account and click on your ads.

Search Engine Ranking : 
Your website is not indexed on any search engine, not linked by any prominent website, but get consistently high traffic? How come people can access your website and click your ads? That will make Google to smell a rat.

Webpage Design : How about the Please click a link below or donate us by clicking the ads?
These kinds of encouragement is not in line with Google's TOS.
Google can use their winning search engine, or even human eyes to check your sites from time to time.
Advertisers conversion rate :
Ad click is one thing. But does it bring value to the advertisers?
If none of the clicks on your site translate to conversion to the advertiser, you are in trouble. First the Smart-Pricing hits, then your AdSense account disabled.

It's better to read the Google Adsense Program Policies before you start with adsense and be careful to not to make any click frauds.

Keep reading for more information..

Alternatives to Google Adsense

Hi Friends,

Have you got annoyed anytime when your  Google Adsense  account has been banned, after appealing also you haven't got any resolution and wondering what to do to make money online using your blog or website then read  this post..

Abrite is presently serving the best possible publishing network to banned Adsense users. They have many programs such as ads for content , ads for inline content , ads for the image display . They high click through rate. Even the publisher can set its own ad rates. Best advertising service which alternates Adsense.

Bidvertiser  has the best click through program. They pay you through Paypal and through check.Their minimum payout is $10. You will be paid on the every click your ads have.You will always be having the highest bidder for your contentful website.

Clicksor is another good advertising service which has a revenue sharing program of 70/30 , you will get 70% of the money your ads will make and the rest 30% will go to the Clicksor. They will pay you when you have $20. Their payment is done through Paypal. They have various programs such as : banner ads,flash ads, image ads etc...

Chitika is fastest growing website for advertisers and publishers. They pay when some one clicks on the advertisers ads. They pay through paypal and even check. They are been now most widely used by the publishers.

Kontera is one of the worlds fastest growing ad network , which works for the inline content serving ads.  They pay through paypal , check etc . Their minimum payout is $50.

Some of the other best ad networks are :
FastClick etc....

Keep reading for more tips and tricks

Monday 21 October 2013

Hi Friends, 

In this post I will show you how you can download youtube video's without any additional software using the below method.. 

Now You Can Download Your Video in Your Desired Format ! :)
And Best Thing Of This This is Working For Your Mobile Phone's Also !
For Mobile We Use 'mm' instead of 'ss'
For Eg : The Real Link >>
Downloading Link For Mobile >>

Note : For Desktop or Laptop Use >> 'ss' And For Mobile Device Use >>mm 

That's it...

Keep reading for more tips and tricks